To enable the Shotgun Integration its configuration must be set properly in the Wrangler View preferences.  To do this you will create a 'qube submission' "script" on the shotgun server - the creation of the script will generate a key, and you use that script name and key to allow Qube to authenticate with the Shotgun server.

    Here are the step-by-step instructions to set it up and submit a test job 

    On the Shotgun side:
    1) Login to your Shotgun server.
    2) Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the Shotgun interface to show the Admin->Scripts menu. Once on the Scripts page click the "+ Script" button to create a new script and fill in the Script Name to "qube_submit".
    3) Click on the created Script Name link called "qube_submit", then choose "Script Info" to find the Application Key.

    In the QubeGUI Preferences panel for each user, fill in the following under the "Shotgun Configuration" section:

    Shotgun URL: your shotgun studio address like
    Script Name: qube_submit
    Script Key: <the value that came from the Application Key>

    These QubeGUI preferences can also be stored in a central qubegui preferences file with other studio defaults. (File->Save Preference Defaults... and the matching preference field "Studio Defaults Prefs")

    This will enable the submit-time creation of a callback when submitting a job to have it send information to your shotgun server on job completion and create a new "Version" for the asset. Fill in the username and other fields. 


    Details: The script that is run is located under .../qube/scripts/ This is what controls what information is sent to the shotgun server from Qube.

    See also the Shotgun Submission section in the Job Submission Dialog page:

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