Your Windows clients need to translate the paths into something understandable by the Linux/Mac OS X Workers. To do this, we sometimes recommend the use of the MEL command dirmap. It has the capability to do the translation, and we have support for it in our Job Type. It has some limitations, so it's not for every situation.
In order to set up the dirmap, you will need to edit each users userSetup.mel file. Copy it around. In it, you add a line to enable dirmapping:
dirmap -en 1;
Then, you add the map such that the first directory is the FROM and the second is the TO mapping:
dirmap -m "<windowsDirectory>" "<linuxDirectory>"
For example:
dirmap -en 1;
dirmap -m "R:Project" "/uniserver/project"
To test if you have it set up correctly:
- launch Maya
- bring up a Maya shell
- Type dirmap -gam
You should then see your mappings as output.
When you submit the job, the mappings should be translated when the job gets submitted. It may take some finagling to get everything working.