Hostid (the MAC address of your supervisor):
The ethernet MAC address of your supervisor is necessary in order to cut keys for Qube versions 6.0 and onwards. See for more info about MAC addresses.
If you are already running a Qube supervisor and a version of the QubeGUI later than 6.0-0, you can find the MAC address with QubeGUI->Admin->Ping Supervisor.
If you're unable to use the GUI, you can also look for the following line in the supervisor's supelog, printing just as the service starts booting, to find out which one it's using:
INFO: mac address: 00:50:56:C0:00:08
Or you can determine the MAC address via the operating system's command-line utilities.
On Linux and OS X, you can obtain the MAC address via "/sbin/ifconfig
On Windows: ipconfig /all
You can cut & paste the output from either of these commands back into this ticket.