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    Table of Contents

    submit a cmdline or cmdrange job


    qbsub submits a command for the Supervisor to schedule.  If the --range is specified, a job with an agenda will be submitted.

    See Jobs, instances, agenda items, and job slots for a description of the taxonomy of a Qube job.


    qbsub [optionscommand

    where command is a command to be executed on the remote host.




    --name string

    Job name

    --priority int

    Priority value

    --requirements string

    Job requirements expression

    --reservations string

    Job reservations expression

    --restrictions string

    Job restrictions expression

    --pid int

    Parent job to submitted job

    --pgrp int

    Process group ID

    --cluster string

    Cluster specification

    --kind string

    Job kind

    --account string

    Arbitrary accounting data string

    --user string

    User account to use Note: needs admin or impersonation privilege

    --domain string

    Qube domain to use Note: needs admin or impersonation privilege

    --cpus int

    Number of subjobs to run

    --max_cpus int (or "*")

    Maximum number of instances to use ("*" means "no limit") for Smart-share auto-expansion (new in 6.6)

    --processors int

    Number of processors to reserve per host

    --status string

    Initial job state (blocked or pending)

    --hosts string,…

    List of comma delimited hosts to run job on

    --omithosts string,…

    List of comma delimited hosts to not run job on

    --groups string,…

    List of comma delimited host groups to run job on

    --omitgroups string

    List of comma delimited host groups to not run job on

    --hostorder string

    Order in which the hosts are preferred

    --flags string,…

    Flags (see below for description of all available flags)


    Email job owner when job is complete.

    --dependency string

    Wait until trigger string condition has been met before starting.

    --preexec string

    Execute command string on the Supervisor when the job starts running.

    --postexec string

    Execute command string on the Supervisor when the job completes.

    --waitfor int

    Wait until job ID int is done before starting.

    --timelimit int

    Automatically kill the job if it runs longer than int seconds.

    --agendatimelimit intAutomatically kill an agenda item if it runs longer than int seconds.


    Qbsub will block until the submitted job completes.

    --range string

    Execute over range string QB_FRAME_NUMBER

    --padding int

    Range pad value.


    Reverse the frame range


    Use binary for frame range ordering

    --partitions int

    Number of partitions to use (default: # of frames)

    --chunk int

    Number of frames to use per partition (default: 1)

    --p_agenda string

    Specify which frames to use as p-agenda (default: 1st, last, and middle frames)

    --p_priority int

    Set priority for p-agenda (default: site-wide value, or 1)

    --p_cpus int

    Number of subjobs to use to process p-agenda (default: length of p-agenda list)

    --export string

    Export job to *.qja file.

    --import string

    Import job from *.qja file.

    --address string, …

    List of string email addresses when using --email option

    --type string --prototype string

    Use string job type.

    --data string

    Raw package data string (for use only with --type option).

    --retrysubjob int

    Retry each subjob int times.

    --retrywork int

    Retry each work agenda item int times.

    --retryworkdelay int

    Insert artificial delay of int seconds before each automatic retry of work item

    --preflights string,...instance-level preflights (comma-separated)
    --postflights string,...instance-level postflights (comma-separated)
    --agenda_preflights string,...agenda-level preflights (comma-separated)
    --agenda_postflights string,...agenda-level posflights (comma-separated)


    Output in XML format


    Command help


    Command version

    Job Flags
    Job Flags
    Include Page




    Submit "ls -l" job named "myjob1" to run on 2 cpus:

    qbsub --name myjob1 --cpus 2 ls -l

    Submit maya render to machine that has maya installed:

    qbsub -priority 1 --reservations host.maya=1 Render -s 1 -e 30

    Submit a render job at priority 1 which matches host qb003:

    qbsub -priority 1 --requirements Render -s 1 -e 30

    Submit a simple ls job and send notification when the job is complete:

    qbsub --mail --address "" ls

    Export to job.qja template file a simple dir command with priority set to 5:

    qbsub --priority 5 --export job.qja dir

    Import job.qja template and submit this template and override the cluster specification to /example:

    qbsub --cluster /example --import job.qja

    Submit an agenda-based, 200-frame Maya "Render" job, to be processed by 10 subjobs:

    qbsub –range 1-200 –cpus 10 Render –s QB_FRAME_NUMBER –e QB_FRAME_NUMBER /path/to/

    Same as above, but use p-agenda to process some key frames at higher priority. We'll let the system choose the p-agenda, which will be the 1st, last, and middle frames of the entire range (i.e. 1, 200, and 99). Note als that this submission will generate 2 jobs:

    qbsub –range 1-200 –flags "p_agenda" –cpus 10 Render –s QB_FRAME_NUMBER –e QB_FRAME_NUMBER /path/to/

    Same as above, but explicitly specify p-agenda frames. Note that we can omit the "-flags" option in this case:

    qbsub –range 1-200 –p_agenda "1-200x50" –cpus 10 Render –s QB_FRAME_NUMBER –e QB_FRAME_NUMBER /path/to/

    Execute "myprog /home/data/", but convert the path at runtime to a suitable path on the worker if necessary (as dictated by the worker_path_map defined on the worker): 

    See also