



    Environment variable

    UIReset show dialogShow confirmation dialogs that have been hidden.  
    UIMini Joblist shortcutSystem wide keyboard shortcut to display the mini job list.CTRL+SHIFT+JQUBEUI_UI_MINIUI_SHORTCUT
    UI->DisplayFont sizeThe size of the font to use in the UI.9QUBEUI_UI_FONT_SIZE
    UI->DisplayButtons use theme hueIf true the status buttons will be colored to match the status color from the current theme.FALSEQUBEUI_UI_STATUS_BUTTONS_USE_THEME_HUE
    UI->DisplayStatus button icon sizeThe size of the status buttons' icons in pixels.26QUBEUI_UI_STATUS_BUTTON_ICON_SIZE
    UI->DisplayShow status labelsShow text labels on the status buttons.FALSEQUBEUI_UI_STATUS_BUTTON_SHOW_LABELS
    UI->DisplayShow status iconsShow icons on the status buttons.TRUEQUBEUI_UI_STATUS_BUTTON_SHOW_ICONS
    UI->DisplayView job list as a subjob treeOrganize jobs under their parent jobs.FALSEQUBEUI_UI_JOB_LIST_AS_TREE
    UI->DisplayPanel tab positionThe location of the tabs when two or more panels are grouped together.TopQUBEUI_UI_PANEL_TAB_POSITION
    UI->ParsingOutput log regexesThe regular expressions used to create bookmarks in log text fields.Error
    Enquire through
    UI->ParsingIgnore output log regexesRegular expressions used to ignore false positive matches of output log regexes.SUMMARY of ERRORS
    No errors
    Enquire through
    UI->LogsLog files to keep (requires restart)The number of qubeUI.log files to keep in your home directory before deleting the oldest.3QUBEUI_UI_LOGFILE_COUNT
    UI->LogsMax log file size (requires restart)The size in MB of the log file to use before starting a new log file.3QUBEUI_UI_MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE
    Qube->SupervisorSupervisor overrideOverride the supervisor to connect to (requires restart). Enquire through
    Qube->SupervisorSupervisor timeoutOverride the supervisor timeout.60QUBEUI_QUBE_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT
    Qube->Log updatingAutomatically refresh logsRefresh stdout and stderr logs automatically.FALSEQUBEUI_QUBE_AUTO_REFRESH_LOGS
    Qube->Log updatingLogs refresh intervalRefresh interval in minutes.1QUBEUI_QUBE_AUTO_REFRESH_LOG_INTERVAL
    Qube->Optimize updatesJob limit (n days)Limit the number of jobs to those updated in the past N days. A value of 0 means no limit.0QUBEUI_UI_JOB_LIMIT_N_DAYS
    Qube->Optimize updatesJob limit (n jobs)Limit the number of jobs to the latest N jobs. A value of 0 means no limit.0QUBEUI_UI_JOB_LIMIT_N_JOBS
    Qube->Optimize updatesLimit jobs by last updated

    When using the job limits above choose whether to base the search on
    the latest jobs or when the jobs were last updated.

    Qube->AdvancedExclude database (job) columns

    Exclude job database table columns from being pulled from the supervisor on first load or refresh.

    Do not do this unless you know what you are doing or under guidance from PFX support.

    Columns that can be excluded include:
    cluster, priority, name, label, cpus, max_cpus, data, restrictions, requirements,
    reservations, hosts, omithosts, groups, omitgroups, env, prototype,
    path, timesubmit, timestart, timecomplete, prod_show, prod_shot, prod_seq,
    prod_client, prod_dept, prod_custom1, prod_custom2, prod_custom3, prod_custom4,

     Enquire through
    Qube->Advanced Filter database (job) columnsApply global, server side, job list filters. Provide column, comparator
    and value fields. Do not do this unless you know what you are doing or under
    guidance from PFX support.
     Enquire through
    CustomizationExternal viewersConfigure external applications to load job output from the job list context menus. Enquire through
    CustomizationViewer path remappingSpecify directory path conversions in job output paths (used by the preview and thumbnail panels). Enquire through
    Plugin->GeneralAdditional plugin hierarchies (requires restart)A list of directories to read additional plugins from. Enquire through
    Plugin->SubmissionAdditional submission plugin paths (requires restart)A list of directories to read additional submission plugins from. Enquire through
    Plugin->SubmissionRemember the values from the last submissionRemember previous values or clear to defaults values in the submission dialog
    each time it opens.
    Plugin->SubmissionEnabled submission pluginsEnable/disable submission plugins to enable. Enquire through
    Plugin->Context MenusEnabled job pluginsEnable/disable job list context menu plugins. Enquire through
    Plugin->Context MenusEnabled worker pluginsEnable/disable worker list context menu plugins. Enquire through
    Plugin->Context MenusEnabled frame pluginsEnable/disable frame list context menu plugins. Enquire through
    Plugin->Context MenusEnabled instance pluginsEnable/disable instance list context menu plugins. Enquire through
    Plugin->PanelsEnabled panel pluginsEnable/disable panel plugins. Enquire through
    FilterColumn containsComparison string to use in list filters for when a match contains the given value.:=QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_EQUAL_TO
    FilterColumn isComparison string to use in list filters for when a match is the given value.:==QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_EXACT_EQUAL_TO
    FilterColumn greater thanComparison string to use in list filters for when a match is greater than the given value.:>QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_GREATER_THAN
    FilterColumn greater or equal toComparison string to use in list filters for when a match is greater than or equal to the given value.:>=QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO
    FilterColumn less thanComparison string to use in list filters for when a match is less than the given value.:<QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_LESS_THAN
    FilterColumn less or equal toComparison string to use in list filters for when a match is less than or equal to the given value.:<=QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_COLUMN_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO
    FilterTerm separatorString to use to separate filter terms, spaces are ignored.,QUBEUI_UI_FILTER_TERM_SEPARATOR
    • No labels