    @RELEASE: 6.5-0

    ==== CL 11338 ====
    @NEW:Handle time cumulative at the job and pgrp leader level (behaves the same as progress bars re: expanded/collapsed pgrps)

    ==== CL 11279 ====
    @NEW:You can now do server side searches - pulling results from beyond the local client's cache
    @NEW:You can do either simple searches (as before) or use search operators, i.e. name:'job name' AND user:joe
    @NEW:Faster startup
    @NEW:There is now a preference to clear search history
    @FIX:Properly handle custom access to mysql database (in the case when a non-standard user is defined for direct sql access)
    @FIX:Changing the number of jobs in cache through the preferences no longer requires a restart of the GUI

    ==== CL 11230 ====
    @NEW:Columns can now be customized through preferences. Double-clicking a column in the display preferences allows for further customization
    @NEW:Internal classes for job, subjob/instance, hosts, and frames/agendas now have a static "attribute_map" variable that shows the attributes for that type of object and a mapping for how to retrieve/display them
    @CHANGE:The currently running frames now appear in the middle of the frame list rather than at the top.

    ==== CL 11195 ====
    @NEW:Workers tab can now be turned on or off through preferences

    ==== CL 11192 ====
    @NEW:Plugins can now be set to load or not (on a per-user basis) through preferences.

    ==== CL 11188 ====
    @NEW:Job modify plugin

    ==== CL 11034 ====
    @FIX:Fixed issue when removing all jobs in a pgrp when refresh is set to clear cache.

    ==== CL 10981 ====
    @FIX:Fixed submission menus items so they properly choose their corresponding WranglerView submission guis

    ==== CL 10951 ====
    @FIX:Worker count no longer includes locked workers.
    @FIX:Workers are considered locked as soon as the lock is requested as opposed to after the workers finished its work.

    ==== CL 10949 ====
    @CHANGE:pgrp leader's status & icon reflect those of its children when the pgrp is collapsed.

    ==== CL 10947 ====
    @FIX:Added a "pending" status icon.

    ==== CL 10938 ====
    @CHANGE: Refresh button (and all buttons for that matter) are now easier to click as their clickable area is now the same size as the button.
    @CHANGE: Removed all OpenGL plugins and remnants of old, OpenGL plugin architecture.



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