A job's dependency attribute can take several forms :

    • <jobid>
    • complete-job-<jobid>
    • link-<state>-<type>-<jobid> 
    • info-<state>-{"",[]} 

    The info syntax is only used when the dependencies are defined in a job's callbacks, in which case the job's dependency attribute only is used to inform WranglerView on how to draw the Dependency Graph layout.  This syntax resembles a python dictionary, and several characters are significant: 

    • *  - mean each frame 
    • "" (blank) - means entire job 

    Only use double-quotes in the info string, there's a known bug where the use of single-quotes will result in the job instances appearing to be hung on the worker; they will start the instance but never get assigned frames.


    Wait for job 900 to complete

    • 900

    Wait for job 529 to complete

    • link-complete-job-529

    Link to job 430 on a frame-by-frame basis, as each frame in job 430 completes, unblock the corresponding frame in this job.

    • link-complete-work-430

    The job has several layers or dependencies:

    • info-complete-{"1":["540:3"], "*":["600:*"], "":["700"]}
      • frame 1 waits for frame 3 in job 540

      • and each frame waits for the corresponding frame in job 600

      • and the entire job waits for job 700

    The job has several layers or dependencies:

    • info-complete-{"":["123","456"], "*":["345:*"], "10":["346:2", 346:4"]}
      • the entire job waits for jobs 123 and 456
      • and each frame waits for the corresponding frame in job 345

      • and frame 10 waits for:
        • frame 2 in job 346
        • and frame 4 in job 346
    • No labels