
    This is the documentation for for an older version of Qube.

    Documentation for the latest release is available here.

    One can place all of the job logs (containing stdout,stderr,etc) directly in a central location. This requires modifying the configuration for both the Supervisor and the Workers.

    • On the Supervisor, open the Configuration GUI. Under Supervisor Settings->Path Settings, set the "Job Log Directory" to a network path.
      • Note: Use UNC paths and forward slashes (/) if on Windows.
      • Note: This can also be manually set directly in the Supervisor's qb.conf file by setting the supervisor_logpath parameter.
    • On each Worker, open the Configuration GUI. Under Worker Settings->Advanced Settings, set the "Job Log Directory" to a network path.
      • Note: Use UNC paths and forward slashes (/) if on Windows.
      • Note: This can also be manually set directly in the Worker's qb.conf file (or on the Supervisor's qbwrk.conf file) by setting the worker_logpath parameter.

    See Writing Job Logs to a Network Filesystem for more information.

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