
    This is the documentation for for an older version of Qube.

    Documentation for the latest release is available here.

    There are two of these bars in QubeArtistView, one for the main pane (Jobs Pane) and one for the Frames Pane. They work in the same way, but each operates only on its own pane.

    From left to right:

    Refresh Button

    The refresh button asks the Supervisor for updated information from any job and display it. This can be set to happen automatically, every N seconds, where N is user-selectable. See Preferences. Auto-refresh is not enabled by default.  

    Also remember, clicking on a job will refresh that job without the need to click the refresh button.

    Filter Buttons

    The buttons are active (enabled) when their white outline is shown. "Active" means that they allow the relevant job type to be shown. If you hover over a button, the tooltip that pops up will tell you what the button displays, and the current state of display (that is, whether the given job type is being displayed or not displayed).

      Pending Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which are pending. Enabled by default.
      Running Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which are running. Enabled by default.
      Failed Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which have failed. Enabled by default.
      Killed Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which have been killed. Enabled by default.
      Blocked Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which are currently blocked. Jobs can be blocked manually, or because they are waiting for other jobs to finish. Enabled by default.
      Complete Jobs - When enabled, shows jobs which have completed successfully. Enabled by default.
      User Jobs - When enabled, shows only jobs submitted by the current user. Enabled by default. This can be confusing if you are looking for other people's jobs. Also note that this filter does not exist in other panes.

    There are two types of searches in QubeArtistView: 

    1. Server-side: This will perform a search in the supervisor's database.  The number of jobs returned will be based on ArtistView's job limits (as defined in the preferences)
    2. Client-side: This is more of a filter than a search.  Entering a value in this field will filter out any of the currently displayed jobs that do match the search criteria.

    By default, the string(s) you type will be searched for in the job name (Name), user name (User) and job ID (jobid) columns. You can specify any other column name to include in the search by using it with a colon (':'). For example, 
    Searches can include the logical operators "AND" and "OR".  For example, 
           user:"bob" AND name:"test render%"

    The type of search is set in the Preferences. By default, it is set to Server-side.


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