
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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The worker executable has a –console argument which will allow a worker started from the command line to perform authentication to another user account, much like it does when running as a service.

On Windows, the default "Local Security Policy" usually prevents this, and in order for a user to run a "console worker", the following User Rights Assignments must be granted:

  • Replace a process-level token
  • Adjust memory quotas for a process
  • Act as part of the operating system
  • Impersonate a client after authentication

Once these URA's have been assigned to the user, that user must log out and back in again if they are currently logged in so that the new URA's may take effect.


See Also

Service mode vs. Desktop User mode, and how the worker handles authentication

Authentication Modes when in Service Mode: user vs proxy

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