
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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If you prefer to use another proxy user instead of qubeproxy, you will need to configure the Worker to use a different proxy account and password.

  1. Login to an administrator account on the Supervisor and launch the QubeGUI, and click on the Workers Tab.
  2. Select the Workers to change, right-click, and specify the Configure menu item. This will bring up a Configuration dialog.
  3. Scroll down to the "Worker (User)" section, and set the proxy_account and proxy_password parameters.
  4. Optional (for Windows workers only): set the worker_host_domain parameter.

Qube Admin permission required


In order to configure workers on the supervisor, you must be logged in as a local/domain machine admin to modify the config file, but you must also be logged in as a Qube administrator, which has no relation to the local or domain admin account(s). See User Permissions for more info.

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