
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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Like most batch queuing systems, one typically submits a job, and the system then executes it on an available host. Typically, a user will craft a command or a script, which will then be submitted to the system, which is then dispatched to a remote host for execution. Software on the execution host usually provides a "shell" process that is capable of executing an arbitrary command or sourcing a script.
Qube has the unique ability to allow a developer to create not only job submission front ends, but also develop the back end execution modules. The coupling of a front end interface and a back end implementation is called a job type.
Lest you think we force users to build job types from scratch, Qube comes with a built- in job type for executing traditional command lines and scripts. It also comes with a full API for a number of common scripting languages if you decide you need more control than is provided by the basic command job type.
The SimpleCmd framework provides an easy way to add new submission interfaces to the QubeGUI or tailor existing ones.

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