
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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Verify the job has drive maps. Verify the Worker has auto_mount turned on. Make sure the drive isn't automounting as part of the profile: Go to "Start Menu->My Computer" on the machine in question. Pull down Tools->Map Network Drive There should be a checkbox for "Reconnect at logon." You'll want to unmap the drive, and make sure that option is unchecked whenever you map the drive on that machine.

One can also submit a "test" job to check on the drive maps used on the Worker:

  1. Launch the QubeGUI
  2. Select the menu item Submit->Commandline Job...
  3. Set the "Command" to "net use" (without the " " quotes)
  4. Submit the job
  5. Refresh the GUI and check the "Stdout" Panel for the results of the mapped drives
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