
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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One can place all of the job logs (containing stdout,stderr,etc) directly in a central location. This requires modifying the configuration for both the Supervisor and the Workers.

  • On the Supervisor, open the Configuration GUI. Under Supervisor Settings->Path Settings, set the "Job Log Directory" to a network path.
    • Note: Use UNC paths and forward slashes (/) if on Windows.
    • Note: This can also be manually set directly in the Supervisor's qb.conf file by setting the supervisor_logpath parameter.
  • On each Worker, open the Configuration GUI. Under Worker Settings->Advanced Settings, set the "Job Log Directory" to a network path.
    • Note: Use UNC paths and forward slashes (/) if on Windows.
    • Note: This can also be manually set directly in the Worker's qb.conf file (or on the Supervisor's qbwrk.conf file) by setting the worker_logpath parameter.
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