- An artist submits a job from any Client machine (through the QubeGUI, in-application submission, command-line, python, etc)
- This creates a package of information (strings, numbers, etc), that is sent to the Supervisor and stored in the MySQL database. That package is called a "job."
- The Supervisor identifies available Workers to process the job.
- The Supervisor sends the job package to the Worker(s).
- The Worker service then launches the respective backend (script or executable) that reads the job package and launches the appropriate command line or executable for the rendering.
- The application (e.g. Maya) then reads in the scene (stored in a central location) and then renders the resulting frames to a central location (like a NAS or other file server).
- The artist or anyone else, can view the current status of a job through the QubeGUI, command-line, python, etc.