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    Restrictions are used to allow or restrict where jobs run, and are applied to both jobs and Workers.  Restrictions are based on cluster names, but differ from the clusters themselves in an important way:


    Jobs and workers can belong to 1 and only 1 cluster, but can be restricted to none, 1, or several clusters

    This seems a bit hard to understand, until you remember that a . A job has preferential priority on a Worker whose cluster matches the job's cluster, but the job is free to run on any Worker in other clusters.  The job's restriction value can be used to limit what other clusters the job could possibly run onany other cluster, subject to the restrictions defined here.

    Restrictions defined for jobs 


    A restriction is really defined as a "filter" for hosts based upon information in the queuing algorithm; the values are one or more cluster names. In the priority/cluster queuing system, a user specifies their the restrictions by with a directory structure format:
