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    List of submission flag strings (comma separated). Click 'Browse' to choose required job flags.


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    Wait for specified jobs to complete before starting this job (comma-separated). Click 'Add' to create dependent jobs.

    You can link jobs to each other in several ways:

    • "complete" means only start this job after designated job completes
    • "failed" means only start this job if the designated job fails
    • "killed" means only start this job if the job has been killed
    • "done" means start this job if the job is killed/failed/complete

    Email (job complete)
    Send email on job completion (success or failure). Sends mail to the designated user.

    Email (failed frames)
    Sends mail to the designated user if frames fail.

    Set initial state of job to "blocked". You would do this if you wanted to set up other jobs for this one to depend on.

    Redirect and consolidate the job stderr stream to the stdout stream. Enable this if you would like to combine your logs into one stream.

    Job Label
    Optional label to identify the job. Must be unique within a Job Process Group (pgrp). This is a legacy method of labeling jobs. See  Job Tags

    Job Kind
    Arbitrary typing information that can be used to identify the job. It is commonly used to make sure only one of this "kind" of job runs on a worker at the same time by setting the job\'s requirements to include "not (job.kind in host.duty.kind)". See How to restrict a host to only one instance of a given kind of job, but still allow other jobs

    Process Group
    Job Process Group (pgrp) for logically organizing dependent jobs. Defaults to the jobid. Combination of "label" and "Process Group" (pgrp) must be unique for a job. See Process group labels

    Retry Frame/Instance
    Number of times to retry a failed frame/job instance. Value of -1 means use the default for the studio. Set this to retry any failed frames or instances automatically.

    Retry Work Delay
    Number of seconds to wait before automatically retrying a failed frame/work.

    Subjob Timeout
    Kill the subjob process if running for the specified time (in seconds).  Value of -1 means disabled. Use this if the acceptable instance/subjob spawn time is known.

    Frame Timeout
    Kill the agenda/frame if running for the specified time (in seconds).  Value of -1 means disabled. Use this if you know how long frames should take, so that you can automatically kill those running long.