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    Table of Contents

    remove jobs from the queue


    .qbremove requests the Supervisor to remove a list of jobs.


    qbremove [optionsjobID… | 0

    where JobID is one or more job IDs, and 0 is a wild card token representing all the user's jobs.





    Remove failed jobs


    Remove killed jobs


    Remove complete jobs


    Remove done (complete,killed,failed) jobs


    Remove pending jobs (admin only)


    Remove running jobs (admin only)


    Remove active (running,pending,blocked) jobs (admin only)

    --user string

    Remove jobs for user string

    --type string --prototype string

    Remove jobs with string type

    --status string

    Remove jobs with string status (ex. pending)

    --name string

    Remove jobs with string name

    --kind string

    Remove jobs of string kind

    --pid int

    Remove jobs with process ID int

    --pgrp int

    Remove jobs in int process group

    --priority int

    Remove jobs with int priority

    --cluster string

    Remove jobs in string cluster

    --cpus int

    Remove jobs with a total of int subjobs


    Output in XML format


    Command help


    Command version


    This command only works on jobs which are considered complete, unless the use has the Qube 'admin' privilige, in which case the user could conceivably remove all jobs in queue.

    For non-admin users, jobs which are still pending or running will be ignored. (ex. pending, running, blocked, suspended). 

    Refer to User Permissions or qbusers for more detail on the Qube! permission scheme.


     Remove job 12345:

    qbremove 12345

    Remove all of user anthony's jobs:

    qbremove --user anthony 0

    See also