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    . Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of Reservation Options.


    . Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of Host Order Options.


    . Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of Host Order Options.

    titleClick here for details...

    Explicit list of Worker hostnames to run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of workers that you want to run the job on.

    Explicit list of Worker groups to run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of groups that you want to run the job on.

    Omit Hosts
    Explicit list of Worker hostnames to not run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of workers that you do not want to run the job on.

    Omit Groups
    Explicit list of Worker groups to not run the job on (comma-separated). Click browse to choose from a list of groups that you not want to run the job on.

    Priority Cluster
    Worker cluster that the job has elevated priority to run on. Click browse 'Browse' to choose from a list of Priority Clusters.

    Clusters are a way of distributing jobs across the farm with the ability to expand and shrink based on the
    submitted priority cluster


    • A job submitted to /root/ will run on all machines with /root/ assigned as a cluster. 

      • At a standard priority

    • A job submitted to /root/a will run on all machines with /root/a assigned as a cluster

      • At a higher priority than /root/ meaning that the job will pre-empt a job with the priority cluster


    Click browse

    Host Order
    Tooltip - Order to select Workers for running the job (comma-separated) [+ means ascending, - means descending]

    Image Modified

    Host Order is a way of telling the job how to select/order workers

      • "+host.processors.avail" means prefer workers which have more slots available

      • "+host.memory.avail" means prefer workers which have more memory available

      • "" means prefer workers which have more total memory

      • "+host.processor_speed" means prefer workers with higher cpu speeds

      • "+host.cpus" means prefer workers with higher total cpu slots


    Click browse

    Tooltip - Worker requirements needed to be met for job to run on that Worker (comma-separated, expression-based)

    Image Modified

    Requirements is a way to tell the workers that this job needs specific requirements to be met in order to run

    drop-down menu items:

    • "winnt" this will fill the field with "host.os=winnt" which means only run on Windows based workers

    • "linux" this will fill the field with "host.os=linux" which means only run on Linux based workers

    • "osx" this will fill the field with "host.os=osx" which means only run on OSX based workers

    The above is not the limit of what "Requirements" can do see a list below of other alterable variants:

    • "host.processors.avail.=4" means only run this job on workers that have 4 or more slots available

    • "host.processors.used=0" means only run this job on workers with 0 slots in use

    • "host.memory.avail=400" means only run this job on workers that have 400 memory available


    Click browse

    Tooltip - Worker resources to reserve when running job (comma-separated, expression-based)

    Image Modified

    Reservations is a way to tell the workers that this job will reserve the specific resources for this job

    Menu items:

    • "host.processors" this will fill the field with "host.processors=X" which means reserve X slots on the worker while running this job

    • "host.memory" this will fill the field with "host.memory=X" which means only reserve X memory on the worker while running this job

    The above is not the limit of what "Reservations" can do see a list below of other alterable variants:


    Click browse

    Tooltip - Restrict job to run only on specified clusters ("||"-separated) [+ means all below, * means at that level]


    . Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of Restrictions Options.

    Image Modified

    Restrictions is a way to tell the workers that this job can only run on specific clusters


    • submit a job that will run only in /farm:

      "qbsub -cluster /root -restriction /root"

    • submit a job that will prefer to run in /farm/nuke, but could run in any host in /farm or in the first level below /farm

      "qbsub -cluster /root/a -restriction '/root or /root/*'"

    • submit a job that will prefer to run in /farm/nuke/workstations, but could run in any host at any level at /farm or below

      "qbsub -cluster /root/a/workstations -restriction '/root or /root/+' hostname"


    See Also