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    . Click browse to choose from a list of Priority Clusters


    titleQube Worker Selection

    Explicit list of Worker hostnames to run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of workers that you want to run the job on.

    Explicit list of Worker groups to run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of groups that you want to run the job on.

    Omit Hosts
    Explicit list of Worker hostnames to not run the job on (comma-separated). Click 'Browse' to choose from a list of workers that you do not want to run the job on.

    Omit Groups
    Explicit list of Worker groups to not run the job on (comma-separated). Click browse to choose from a list of groups that you not want to run the job on.

    Priority Cluster
    Tooltip - Worker cluster that the job has elevated priority to run on

    Image Modified

    Clusters are a way of distributing jobs across the farm with the ability to expand and shrink based on the
    submitted priority cluster


    • A job submitted to /root/ will run on all machines with /root/ assigned as a cluster. 

      • At a standard priority

    • A job submitted to /root/a will run on all machines with /root/a assigned as a cluster

      • At a higher priority than /root/ meaning that the job will pre-empt a job with the priority cluster


    Host Order

    Tooltip - Order to select Workers for running the job (comma-separated) [+ means ascending, - means descending]


    Click browse to choose from a list of Host Order Options

    Host Order is a way of telling the job how to select/order workers

      • "+host.processors.avail" means prefer workers which have more slots available

      • "+host.memory.avail" means prefer workers which have more memory available

      • "" means prefer workers which have more total memory

      • "+host.processor_speed" means prefer workers with higher cpu speeds

      • "+host.cpus" means prefer workers with higher total cpu slots


    Tooltip - Worker requirements needed to be met for job to run on that Worker (comma-separated, expression-based)


    Click browse to choose from a list of Host Order Options

    Requirements is a way to tell the workers that this job needs specific requirements to be met in order to run

    drop-down menu items:

    • "winnt" this will fill the field with "host.os=winnt" which means only run on Windows based workers

    • "linux" this will fill the field with "host.os=linux" which means only run on Linux based workers

    • "osx" this will fill the field with "host.os=osx" which means only run on OSX based workers

    The above is not the limit of what "Requirements" can do see a list below of other alterable variants:

    • "host.processors.avail.=4" means only run this job on workers that have 4 or more slots available

    • "host.processors.used=0" means only run this job on workers with 0 slots in use

    • "host.memory.avail=400" means only run this job on workers that have 400 memory available


    Tooltip - Worker resources to reserve when running job (comma-separated, expression-based)


    Click browse to choose from a list of Reservation Options

    Reservations is a way to tell the workers that this job will reserve the specific resources for this job

    Menu items:

    • "host.processors" this will fill the field with "host.processors=X" which means reserve X slots on the worker while running this job

    • "host.memory" this will fill the field with "host.memory=X" which means only reserve X memory on the worker while running this job

    The above is not the limit of what "Reservations" can do see a list below of other alterable variants:


    Tooltip - Restrict job to run only on specified clusters ("||"-separated) [+ means all below, * means at that level]


    Click browse to choose from a list of Restrictions Options

    Restrictions is a way to tell the workers that this job can only run on specific clusters


    • submit a job that will run only in /farm:

      "qbsub -cluster /root -restriction /root"

    • submit a job that will prefer to run in /farm/nuke, but could run in any host in /farm or in the first level below /farm

      "qbsub -cluster /root/a -restriction '/root or /root/*'"

    • submit a job that will prefer to run in /farm/nuke/workstations, but could run in any host at any level at /farm or below

      "qbsub -cluster /root/a/workstations -restriction '/root or /root/+' hostname"

    See Also