
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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The Qube license file contains the keys for both the supervisor and worker, and:

  • must be installed on the supervisor

  • must be named qb.lic

Qube license keys can be installed  either with the WranglerView utility or creating and editing the license file by hand.  License file updates take effect immediately, there is no need to restart the supervisor or workers.

Installing with Qube WranglerView

The simplest way to install the Qube license is with the WranglerView utility, via the Admin -> Install license menu item.  This option is greyed out if you are not on the supervisor.


Windows users: you must start WranglerView with "Run as Administrator", even when you are logged in as an admin-equivalent or local administrator. This is due to Window's "elevated privileges" security policy.

A dialog will appear, prompting you to copy & paste your license strings.  You have the option of either adding the keys to your existing licenses or overwriting the license file.


Please note that the license string does not include "------------- < snip - do not include this line in the license file > -------------" lines that are in your license email.

Installing licenses by hand

You can also install license keys by editing the license file directly.  


You must use a text editor capable of saving out plaintext.

The license file must not end in a extension other than ".lic".

Saving the license file with a .rtf, .txt, .doc, extennsion or in any format other than plaintext will render your license file will be invalid.

License file location

Depending on the supervisor's operating system, the qb.lic file is located in:

  • Linux & OSX: /etc/qb.lic
  • Windows Win2K8, Vista, Win7: C:\ProgramData\Pfx\qube\qb.lic
  • Windows XP, XP-64, Win2K3: C:\Windows\qb.lic


Verifying license installation

With WranglerView 

Immediately after installing the license, the WranglerView title bar should update and reflect the new license count.


You can verify the license count with the qbping utility.

jburk-15-mbPro:LaunchAgents jburk$ qbping
supervisor - active - tag: 14:10:9F:E3:70:FD 6.4-4 bld-custom osx - - host - 0/10 licenses.

The license count displayed here means: "0 of 10 licenses in use".

"I only have 2 licenses now..."

If after license installation you now show only 2 licenses, this means that your license file was either saved in the wrong format, with the wrong name or extension, or had invalid data added to it.  Restore your original license file (you made a backup copy beforehand, right?), and try again.



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