    @RELEASE: 7.0-1

    What's new:

    Setting "--mls-records=1" will cause a report to the MLS system immediately,
    rather than waiting for the normal 60 second timeout - useful for immediately
    enabling metered licening

    Automatically disable MLS / worker license reporting when MLS credentials
    are not present in the qube/dra.conf file

    ==== CL 19906 ====
    @NEW: DRA version numbers now in sync with qube version

    ==== CL 19895 ====
    @FIX: --no-mls flag is interpreted reversed
    @NEW: DRA reports qube supervisor version
    @NEW: DRA stores metered license journal in /var/spool/qube/, not current directory for service
    @NEW: don't wait for sleep loop if --mls-records is set to 1, speeds up verification of proper operation

    ==== CL 19870 ====
    @FIX: DRA crashes when mls_password is not set in dra.conf: ASSERT: "i >= 0" in
    file /opt/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qstring.h, line 1093
    @CHANGE:disable MLS functionality when mls_user and _password are not both defined

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