
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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Latest Major Release: Qube 6.5

Release Summary

The features of each major Qube and QubeGUI/WranglerView release, up to and including the latest major version, can be found in the Qube Release Summary.

For full details on each release, please read the release notes for the previous releases listed below.

Previous Releases

See the complete list of Releases Notes and Upgrade Guides for information about older releases.

Release Notes

Core / Worker / Supervisor Release Notes

WranglerView Release Notes

ArtistView Release Notes

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  1. Needs Qube core/worker/supervisor release notes for all versions

  2. Anonymous

    Yes please! (And while you may want to lock writing to pipelinefx only you still might want to allow registration for people to comment and follow people and pages!

    And in case i did not mention it yet. YAY for going confluence!


  3. Unless I'm reading my Atlassian license agreement incorrectly, registration means that each new users would require us to purchase additional user licenses.  $$ to support an open-ended number of users...  Or have I missed a section of the Confluence docs in my copious amounts of free reading time?

  4. Anonymous

    True that. Even tho we went confluence for internal docs i completely forgot that.

  5. I was hoping to rank the How-To's and FAQ's based on comments or likes and display the most popular or read at the top, but realized that it would require user accounts, which can drive up the license cost of Confluence through the (or at least our) roof.  Too bad, would have been cool...