
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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supervisor_language_flags = mask
Mask sets which languages the Supervisor will accept for callback code.


NameValue (dec / bin)Description
qube 1 / 0000001Enables the "qube" callback language that uses the "code" section of the job to specify, for example, "unblock-subjob-self" instead of using Perl or Python
Perl 2 / 0000010Enables the use of Perl callbacks
Python 4 / 0000100Enables the use of Python callbacks
post 8 / 0001000Enables client-side callbacks. This is primarily used when a client-side script needs the Qube job to complete before continuing. "Qbsub --waitfor" or qb.waitfor() make use of this flag
mail16 / 0010000Enables the mail function to work when a job is submitted with the email option turned on.
dependency32 / 0100000Enables simple dependencies, for example, "link-done-job-12345"
auto_wrangling64 / 1000000Enables Auto-Wrangling


supervisor_language_flags = 6
supervisor_language_flags = "Perl,python"


supervisor_language_flags = "qube,post,mail,dependency,auto_wrangling"

(Note: "post" added as a default in Qube 6.5)

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