
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

Versions Compared


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Here is a List of common STDOUT errors. These errors may differ a little from the exact errors in your STDOUT 


Files & Executables 

Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around incorrect file/executable locations 


This error is not just limited to Maya it can be for any application (the output may differ slightly)

  • Check your job submission to ensure correct locations are set 
  • Check that the path to set locations are available and have correct permissions on the workers 

Dependant Files 

Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around incorrect file locations referenced in the scene file


Warning: (Mayatomr.Shader) : file1: referenced texture file "/incorect/texture/location/qube.jpg" doesn't exist, ignored


Commonly this is because the user has dependant files on there local machine IE: "C:\My Documents" or "/Users/USERNAME/Documents"

  • Check your scene/project files to ensure all required media are on shared storage 


Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around fonts


Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around plugins


Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around incorrect licensing

Python & Perl

Below are some examples of Warnings/Errors based around python and perl


Below are some examples of errors that may occur with perl

Incorrect versions Click to expand

titleSTDOUT 64b Qube! & 32b Perl

This is perl, v5.8.9 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

(with 12 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Copyright 1987-2008, Larry Wall

Binary build 827 [291969] provided by ActiveState 


Built Jan 26 2010 21:15:51

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License 

or the

GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on

this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to 

Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home 


INFO: loaded qb module and setup assignment.

titleSTDERR 64b Qube! & 32b Perl

Can't load 'C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api/perl\58/qb.dll' for module qb: 
load_file:%1 is not a valid Win32 application at 
C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 226.

at C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 0

Compilation failed in require at C:\Program 
Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/qb.pm line 66.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Program 
Files\pfx\qube\api/perl/qb.pm line 66.

Compilation failed in require at C:\WINDOWS\Temp\job\0\253\253_0.pm line 

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\WINDOWS\Temp\job\0\253\253_0.pm 
line 6.





titleSTDOUT Incorrect version of perl


titleSTDERR Incorrect version of perl




Below are some examples of errors that may occur with python

Incorrect versions Click to expand
