
This is the documentation for an older version of Qube. The latest version of the documentation can be found here: Qube

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Here is a List of common STDOUT errors. These errors may differ a little from the exact errors in your STDOUT 




-sh: path/to/wrong/location: No such file or directory
ERROR: exit status: 127

This is a very common error that usually means that the file or directory cannot be found on the workers

This relates to any element of the submission UI that has a path set IE:

 Image Added

This can also occur when the worker does not have the correct mounted/mapped drives or correct permissions to access files


Error: File not found.:
Error: Cannot load scene "path/to/wrong/location". Please check the scene name.
// Maya exited with status 209
ERROR: exit status: 211

This error is the same as the above with one difference "Render exe path" is correct 

Image Added

This error is not just limited to Maya it can be for any application (the output may differ slightly)


Below are some examples of Warnings/errors based around incorrect file locations referenced in the scene file


Warning: (Mayatomr.Shader) : file1: referenced texture file "/incorect/texture/location/qube.jpg" doesn't exist, ignored

Cinema 4d

Rendering failed: Asset missing


These warning means that a texture/dependant file in this job could not be found 

Commonly this is because the user has dependant files on there local machine