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  1. Job Archive File

    an archive file when the job is submitted. These are stored in the job's job log directory (see Job Logs). However users are also allowed to create these files for use as templates…
    QubeJan 14, 2015
  2. How do I look at the last few lines of an output log on Windows?

    to the input. c:\Program Files\pfx\qube\utils> c:\ProgramData\Pfx\Qube\logs\workerlog [Jan 20, 2014 17:58:36] BRIANKNUDSO15E2[1136]: waiting for udp socket to open up…
    QubeOct 21, 2014
  3. Log Panel

    The Qube! UI Log Panel The Log panel simply shows any logging output from the Qube! UI, look here for any errors or warnings if something is not working right. Published…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  4. qbwrk.conf File Format

    The qbwrk.conf file format is very similar to the qb.conf format, with just the inclusion of a macro and template inheritance system. Note that quoted strings…
    QubeFeb 27, 2017
  5. Using the kickstart file

    Synopsis Each time you run the installer, a kickstart file is generated. This file will be saved next to the manifest file that was used for installation. The filename…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  6. Where is the qb.conf file?

    The qb.conf file location is OS- and version-specific. Linux & OS X: /etc/qb.conf Windows Win2K8, Vista, and later: C:\ProgramData\Pfx\qube\qb.conf Windows XP, XP-64…
    QubeOct 20, 2014
  7. Where is the GUI Preferences file?

    The prefs file can be found in the following locations. Linux $HOME/qube/qube_guiPreferences.conf Windows C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\qube…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  8. Telling the Supervisor to Reread the qb.conf file

    The Supervisor may be told to reread the qb.conf file, without restarting the Supervisor service/daemon, to refresh certain dynamically modifiable parameters, by using…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  9. Installing Qube

    , you may want to right-click > "Run as Administrator" or just log in as the Administrator. For Linux users, you must run as root or a sudoer. macOS users will be prompted…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  10. 9 - image file ouput.png

    Qube / … / Maya Job SubmissionOct 29, 2014