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  1. How to restrict a host to only one instance of a given kind of job, but still allow other jobs

    myCustomJobType job on a worker at once) qbsub --type myCustomJobType --requirements "not(host.duty.type has myCustomJobType)" ... API example: job = { 'prototype': 'cmdline…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  2. Katana Job Submission

    UI is accessed through the AV Submit menu: katana_av_ui.png There are three required parameters: Katana path - can be built with the "Katana Version" widget or selected directly…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  3. Basic python job submission I. Single command

    as opening a terminal/command prompt and typing # out a command. job['prototype'] = 'cmdline' # The below parameters are explained further in the "Job submission…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  4. Maya Job Submission QubeUI

    Step by step instructions for submitting Maya jobs with Qube! Install the Qube! Submission UI into Maya If you want the submission menu inside of Maya (recommended…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  5. Maya Job Submission

    Step by step instructions for submitting Maya jobs with Qube! Install the Qube! Submission UI into Maya If you want the submission menu inside of Maya (recommended…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  6. Submission Interfaces

    submission plugin, we do this by calling the built-in function add_submission_type() . For this example we use the following parameters: # Create a new submission type add_submission_type…
    QubeMar 14, 2023
  7. Clean Up Old Jobs Automatically

    Synopsis Old jobs left in Qube are often of little to no use. While their database entries aren't very detrimental to the operation of Qube, the logs from all of those…
    QubeNov 19, 2018
  8. Basic python job submission III. SimpleCmd Compatibility and Application Specific Parameters

    Next, we will learn how to populate a job dictionary keeping the UI in mind. Doing so will allow the job to be resubmitted through the UI. In order to understand how…
    QubeMar 14, 2023
  9. _qubeuiPanelJobsTreeStructureAddCustomLevelHowTo

    It is possible to write your own Level Functions using Python, but first some definitions so we're on the same page. Level Function Level Functions define the job tree…
    QubeOct 13, 2020
  10. _qubeuiPanelPluginsHowTo

    the job object to access the job's package and pull out the Blender scene file. Finally we launch Blender with the scene file as the argument. If you don't type anything…
    QubeOct 13, 2020