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  1. worker_heartbeat_interval

    Synopsis worker_heartbeat_interval = time Interval, in seconds, between times the Worker sends a heartbeat packet to the Supervisor. Example worker_heartbeat_interval…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  2. qb_init()0

    This function is called once in each supervisor thread, to initialize the custom policy, and allows developers to do initialization such as opening a database or loading…
    QubeJul 15, 2015
  3. _SimpleCMD_JobDelayedStart

    jobDelayedStart.png hh:mm M/D/Y The job is blocked on the Supervisor until this day and time. Click on "Time and Date" to get a calendar and time UI.…
    QubeOct 31, 2014
  4. supervisor_policy_library

    Synopsis supervisor_policy_library = path Path specifies the policy library file the Supervisor uses to define the queue policies. Example supervisor_policy_library…
    QubeJan 06, 2015
  5. Job logs

    -readable. Additionally, the output and error logs can be can be accessed from the command line tools qbout and qberr. Verify that the Supervisor and Workers can access the appropriate…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  6. Log Rotation

    The Qube! supervisor and workers communicate between themselves in order to coordinate the dispatch and running of jobs, and log this communication in the supelog…
    QubeNov 19, 2018

    about what the # supervisor does if you have the same label in the same process group... # it won't happen. The supervisor enforces unique labels in the same # process group…
    Qube / … / PerlOct 15, 2014

    the # supervisor does if you have the same label in the same process group... # it won't happen. The supervisor enforces unique labels in the same # process group upon…
    Qube / … / PerlOct 15, 2014
  9. Auto-Wrangling

    automating some of those more manual tasks and calculations. Some of the most common render wrangling tasks can now be handled automatically by the Supervisor through a set of global…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  10. mail_from

    Synopsis mail_from = user User is the mail user name or address that the Supervisor will use in the "From" field of notification email that it sends to users or the admin…
    QubeJan 08, 2015