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  1. qbupdateresource

    Inform the supervisor of license usage counts from external license managers Description qbupdateresource is used to inform the Supervisor of license usage counts from…
    QubeNov 20, 2014
  2. qbarchive

    Output a job to a Qube archive file. Description qbarchive can be used to save a job to disk instead of submitting it to the supervisor. There are two formats, binary…
    QubeNov 20, 2014
  3. Per-Host Global Resources

    file on the supervisor. Just like the original global resources, to set up and start tracking per-host global resources, it must be defined on the Supervisor using the qb.conf…
    QubeJan 19, 2015
  4. Worker Logs

    crontab script. Setting the location of the Worker log file Modify the following setting in the Worker qb.conf or qbwrk.conf file on the Supervisor: worker_logfile = logfile…
    QubeFeb 01, 2017
  5. How to upgrade a worker on Linux

    with a single command-line: The Qube rpm's have the dependencies between the supervisor, core, qubegui, etc. already defined, so all components can be uninstalled with a single…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  6. How to upgrade a client on Linux

    with a single command-line: The Qube rpm's have the dependencies between the supervisor, core, qubegui, etc. already defined, so all components can be uninstalled with a single…
    QubeOct 15, 2014
  7. How do I set the Qube database with a different user?

    The supervisor installer installs its own copy of PostgreSQL, running on a non-standard port 50055, and creates and uses the user "qube" to access the database named "pfx…
    QubeMay 23, 2018
  8. License Key Management

    'Supervisors', you will see "View License Keys" beside each of your registered supervisors. Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 4.16.23 PM.png Mouse over any of the keys to highlight…
    QubeAug 08, 2017
  9. Glossary of Terms

    tasks are handled automatically by the Supervisor through a set of global parameters. Qube! has added built-in logic that detects faulty jobs and workers. Callbacks Job…
    QubeNov 25, 2014
  10. qbpreempt

    Ask a job to release its worker job slots, let the current work (frame) finish Description qbpreempt requests the Supervisor to tell a job to release its host…
    QubeNov 12, 2014